A Whiff of Enchantment: The Montecristo White Label Cigar
Allow me to weave a tale of intrigue and delight as we delve into the world of the Montecristo White Label cigar. Like a cloud of aromatic bliss, this exquisite creation transport
Where There’s Fire; There’s Smoke . . and Bourbon!
there’s nothing quite like a quiet evening at home, relaxing in front of a crackling firepit with a cigar and a perfectly crafted Old Fashioned.
Drew Estate’s Acid Toast: Cigar Review
a unique and unconventional cigar that is sure to leave a lasting impression on any smoker. The Acid cigars for their infused flavors and aromas.
Purple Haze Cigar: A Smoking review
I took a puff of this cigar, and right away I was struck by its unique flavor. a mixture of sweet and spice that dances on the tongue.
Welcome to Bourbon, Cigars and Blinds
My mission is to provide a fresh and exciting take on these timeless pastimes, offering a unique perspective that you won’t find anywhere else.